Saturday, May 18, 2013

Is a Small Penis Size Crushing Your Confidence with Women?

Do you worry that your penis is too small to satisfy a woman?

Even worse, have you had complaints from women about the size of your penis?

This is a question that has plagued men from the beginning of time.

The Question

    I seem to be having trouble with the opposite sex.

    What is the average size of the male penis. I measured mine erect and found that I am 3.7 inches long, 0.8 inches wide and 0.4 inches thick width a measured circumference of 2.7 inches. Is that normal, small or big?

    I also have right curvature of the penis that doesn’t hurt but it’s shaped like a u-turn. If it was bigger it would probably point back at me. I also makes it look weird and really small. Is that normal and does masturbation cause that?

    I just started shaving my balls, does that make the penis look bigger or is it a dead give away?

    My last three girlfriends said my penis was pathetic and they had seen pencils bigger. One said my penis would get lost in her mouth if she tried to suck it. My confidence is shattered and I would love to have answers to my questions. Pleas help and write back soon.

The Answer

What is the perfect penis size?

This is an age old question with no “right” answer. Since we are not experts in this field, this one required some research…

I believe that the Taoist Masters have the best answer to this question, but I’ll include some Western views on the topic as well.

Taoist Thoughts on Penis Size

I’m currently reading a book called “Sexual Reflexology” by Mantak Chia (the same author as “Multi-Orgasmic Man“) and William Wei.  The principles in the book are based on ancient Taoist traditions and practices. Basically what this book tells us is that the size and shape of the man’s penis must match with the size and shape of the woman’s vagina. I don’t know about you, but that just seems to make sense…

The book goes on to talk about various ways to tell if you are sexually compatible with another person by looking at various body features on the hands, ears, and face. It’s worth reading if you haven’t already.

I’m also going to check out the “Multi-Orgasmic Man“. The principle here is teaching men how to separate the orgasm from the ejaculation so that they can enjoy multiple orgasms and extended sexual excitement.

OK, back on topic…

Penis size resources from the web

Of course we Westerners want to quantify everything, so here are some really great articles that I found online while researching the answer to this question. (No, we don’t know everything :-) …).

Rather than repeat it all here, I think you’ll get more out of it, if you read the articles yourself. They’re quite informative.

“Facts about Penis Size”, written by Dr David Delvin and Christine Webber at NetDoctor

“Does Penis Size Matter?”, written by Vanessa Burton at

“What is a normal penis size?”, from the Men’s Health section on

What about a curved penis?

I’ve actually heard of this condition before. Depending on the seriousness of the curve, it could be Peyronie’s Disease. Now before you freak out… All that means is that the penis is curved excessively in one direction or another.

I’m going to stop here and tell you to check out this article, “Peyronie’s Disease”, and then contact your doctor if you think you have this condition. There are treatments available, but only your doctor can tell you if they’re right for you (Do I sound like a drug commercial yet?)

You can have great sex, even with a small penis

I know this may come as a shocker to some of you out there, but it’s possible to have really great sex without a man’s penis even being involved. No, really. A surprising statistic is that as many as 70% of women don’t achieve orgasm during intercourse without some other type of stimulation. Guys, listen up here.

There are tons of great books (and videos too) out there on how to please your woman. If you do a search on Amazon, there are hundreds of results for “female orgasm”. Here are a few that we actually recommend:

“The Clitoral Truth” by Rebecca Chalker – This is a very technical but informative book on the female anatomy. You didn’t get this information in sex ed. I feel it’s a must read for everyone.

“The One Hour Orgasm” by Leah and Bob Schwartz – This was a very interesting book, but make sure you’ve got all night to implement the techniques (The Venus Butterfly technique) in this book.

“The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Amazing Sex” by Sari Locker – We love the Idiot’s Guide series. If we ever want to know more on any topic, the Idiot’s Guide is one of the first books we buy.

Add a comment at the bottom if you have any great sex books you’d like to recommend.

Women are evil!

At least some of them… The part of this question that really makes me angry is the behavior of these women, and others like them, and the effect that their comments have had on otherwise strong and confident men. Bondage Toys are the treasure for the people who like role play masochism and sadism.

Men’s egos are very delicate creatures that do not do well under even the slightest criticism. If you really want to crush a man, just insult his “manhood”. This is in fact so engrained in our culture, that we use to word “manhood” to refer to a man’s penis.

Here’s a message for all of those crushed egos out there from a great woman. Penis Extensions are the best toy for men to increase the erection time, and penis extension is also a nice assistant to create a wonderful foreplay to make men be a superman or let your women satisfy your sex ability.

Eleanor Roosevelt said it best, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.” In other words, although the feelings are normal, it’s what you do with them and how you process them that reconnect you to your power.

Read this great article by Carol Juergenson-Sheets – “Difficult People – No One Can Make You Feel Inferior”

Obviously these women know very little about sexual pleasure if their only concern is the size of a man’s penis. Consider yourself lucky not to be involved with them.

I recommend reading the books above so that you can satisfy her completely, and that by the time you get to intercourse, she won’t care about the size of your penis!

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